Back In The USA

"Harold was the best at his job. Thought an awful lot of Harold." - Rod Kellis

Somewhere around December 22, 1944, dad returned to the United States and his home in Aurtherdale, WV.

Wedding Picture

I guess you could say it was a short engagement because on December 29, 1944 Harold Rhodes and Hazel Lucille McKinney were married in Oakland, MD. The crew had some leave time as soon as they got back to the States. Then they were to report FL or CA depending on what part of the country they were from. There they were to get their records straight and get their new assignments. For the most part they pretty much scattered. Dad was to go to Miami, FL.

John and Norma Forsyth with Rod Kellis - Nightclub, Miami Beach, FL Jan. 1945

Forsyth arrived in Miami on his birthday, December 28, 1944. John saw George Burroughs and Rod Kellis while there. He was there about 10 days and then went to AZ to be in instructor. So John had already left for AZ by the time Harold and Lucille arrived. John later went to TX and then on to Romulus, MI.

George and Bobbye Burroughs were married December 2, 1944 and went to FL. They stopped to see Robert Meads in Montgomery, AL on their way to FL. Bobbye recalls meeting John and Norma there. Apparently Norma was "Not the friendliest person". Bobbye could sort of understand why John and Norma's marriage didn't last.

"I did my job and they did theirs and that's all there was to it." - John Forsyth

Dad and Mom went to Florida January 13 on their honeymoon and stayed at the Lord Baltimore Hotel. (See the arrow pointing to the top floor window? That was their room.)

Jan. 13, 1945 - Jan. 14, 1945

Jan. 16, 1945

Harold - Joe - Bob               Harold - Lucille - Bob           Dad and Bob
(Charles does not think the guy in the middle is Joe. Need to ask Joe.)

While in Florida, they meet up with two of the crewmembers, Joseph Mulqueeny and Robert Meads.


After their homeymoon, Mom and Dad had to once again part ways. Dad went on to Chinute Field, IL to find a place for them to live and Mom took the train and went back to WV.

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